Tim Cooke

Quick Linux HTTP Server (httpd)

18th July 2020

Say you want to serve the contents of a single directory on your local machine but don't want the hassle of installing and configuring a full HTTP Server like Apache or similar. Perhaps you're building a simple website such as this one? What can you do? You could use busybox. That's what I do.

The following instructions are applicable for Ubuntu because that's that's what I use, but it will also apply to other Debian based Linux distrubutions that use the apt package manager.


$ sudo apt install busybox


Navigate to the directory from where you want to serve the website. For example this is how I use busybox to serve this website on port 9000 for local development.

$ cd ~/Development/github/trcooke.github.io
$ busybox httpd -f -p 9000

Now I can access my website locally at http://localhost:9000